Author / Miljana

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  • Second training of the national team and competition with the Team Europe

    Други по реду тренинг националног тима Србије одржан је 7. и 8. септембра у просторијама Националног ЦЕРТ-а, РАТЕЛ-а, као део припрема за Европско такмичење у сајбер безбедности (ECSC – European Cyber Security…

  • The first gathering of the national team in preparation for ECSC 2024

    On August 31 and September 1, the Serbian national team held its first training session at the premises of the National CERT in Belgrade, as part of preparations for the upcoming European Cyber ​​Security Challenge (ECSC), which will be held in Turin, Italy, from the 7th to October 11.

  • Information and rules related to the finals of the competition SCC2024

    The final stage of the competition is conducted between formed teams whose members have passed the qualification stage of the competition. The list of teams can be found in the table below. Participation in the competition is limited to personal presence at the location...